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Email Marketing for B2B Seed SaaS startups

Drive more leads from omni-channel email sequences and company Newsletter partnerships.

Email Marketing is dead only for those how can't work with it

Contrary to popular belief, we assure you that Email Marketing is here to stay. Like any other cold channel, it requires proper strategy, but it's not dead. Palladium helps you find the right approach to your prospects and build effective, engaging email automation that brings a continual flow of customers and raises brand awareness and loyalty. We also help you partner with the biggest Newsletters in your industry to have additional decent traffic and lead flow.

The Benefits of Email Marketing for Growing SaaS Startups

Palladium Agency

Engagement automation

Ensure contact touchpoints are executed and that you stay top-of-mind for your prospects. We'll produce and automate your prospect and client communications.
Palladium Agency


It's not about their post or podcast. At least we do this differently. Real personalisation is about personal and company needs. And it's not an easy exercise to find them out.
Palladium Agency

Referral campaigns

Involve and encourage your existing customers to bring you new ones. Inspire loyalty and cultivate advocates who'll be happy to share a word for you.
Palladium Agency

Outbound prospecting

Email Marketing is a perfect addition to outbound lead-generation activities. Adding it to your strategy creates a cohesive flywheel capturing more prospects.
Palladium Agency

Nail onboarding

A well-executed onboarding can minimise customer churn, increase retention, and boost product adoption rates. And a large part of onboarding still relies on email.
Palladium Agency

Nurturing Emails

Nurturing sequences is a powerful tool to educate people about your product and raise retention rates and the possibility for them to convert later.
Call with Palladium Agency

You'll have the best people working with your emails

Palladium is a startup agency. And we revealed the ultimate beauty of partnering with the best narrow-focused specialists to deliver the maximum value for your product. It's sound social proof for us, as you can check their LinkedIn profiles and see their expertise. And one more thing, we don't margin their costs. Our management fee is included into PMF package 🙌

Elevating Your Email Marketing Game with Palladium

Deliverability of email marketing

Deliverability improve

We prepare all tech stuff for effective emailing. Create subdomains, warm them up, optimise for mobile, A/B test, write human copy, and verify your lists.

Email copywriting

Email copywriting

Our writers produce personalised and highly convertible email copy to multiply the chances of your outbound prospecting success.

Onboarding emails

Onboarding emails

Our onboarding series aim to reduce churn and increase product adoption rates. As well as convert free customers faster for PLG-driven products.

Nurturing emails

Nurturing emails

We gather your audience in one place so they can learn about your product, understand its value and continuously stay up to date to consider it when it comes.

Newsletter partnership

Newsletter partnership

We investigate your LinkedIn audience and your industry as a whole to find the most prominent and engaging Newsletters you can partner with and bring new clients.

NPS emails

NPS emails

Your sales and marketing departments always need more case or review materials. Net Promoter Score emails help to get reviews from your existing customers.

Call with Palladium Agency

Email Marketing as a part of a package

Palladium doesn't offer Email Marketing separately. We are a growth agency and specialise in the whole-scale approach. Email Marketing is a part of Product-market Fit package. If you're looking for Email Marketing only, contact us anyway. We have some excellent outbound and retention strategists to connect you with! 🙌

Now we better go and answer your questions!

Many say Email Marketing doesn't work anymore, and people don't read your emails. But let's be honest. We all still read emails. The question is, what emails appear attractive to us? Email Marketing is still alive. It brings leads, educates people, and retains customers if done the proper way.

Yes! Corporate workers spend huge time within their inboxes, so your email won't be missed. It only needs to attract enough and convert the person to the next step - precisely what Palladium works on!

Despite the fact, there are many decent outbound, retention, and email marketing specialists, they are narrow-focused and don't have a whole-scale vision of your product growth. Palladium, on the other hand, does. We are growth strategists that use gears to scale you to Product-market fit.

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